Copyright 2013. JusticeLeagueOfFitness. All Rights Reserved.
I Will Workout Inc.
Leroy Mosley
Nothing will hit you harder than life. But its not about how hard you are hit. It"s about how hard you are hit and you keep moving forward. We do what we do because we believe in family. A family that trains together can overcome life's toughest challenges together. One beat, one sound. We only ask you for your best. If you give us a 110% we will give you 120% in return.
The goals and objectives of this fitness program are to provide knowledge and education to those wanting and needing a healthier life, including those with different health issues. We focus on proper eating, cardio and strength training. A healthy living can be expensive and everyone can't pay for a gym membership. This program gives individuals a chance to work out in a group setting. It also gives them a chance for one on one attention with the trainers. This program is FREE of charge. Its for the people by the people.
Board Certified Trainers.
30 plus years of combined health and fitness experience.
If you want the best, we are the best!